**Get a Find Cheap Price 55 Gal - Houston Haze - DS Oil Based Juice Fluid for Haze Generators
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55 Gal - Houston Haze - DS Oil Based Juice Fluid for Haze Generators Review
Designers Select Houston Haze - Oil Based Haze Juice - Compression Based Machine Fluid. Houston, No Problem Here!... Just the Highest Quality, Vitamin E Fortified, Oil-based Haze Juice which creates a perfectly uniform particulate for flawless beam refraction. This fluid is a lighting designers dream fluid due to it's long hang time and high efficiency.
Designers Select Houston Haze is a non-toxic solution that produces a long lasting, low moisture haze. Houston Haze is colorless, odorless, non-flammable. All of our fluids comply with the strictest health and safety regulations, and are formulated to extend the life-span of your hazer. Houston Haze is made from the highest quality pharmaceutical grade mineral oils and Vitamin E stabilizers and adhere to the strict specific gravity and density requirements of major haze machine manufactures so you can be confident it will be compatible with your Oil Based Hazer.
Oil-Based Hazers produce the perfect haze for enhancing lighting for theatrical, stage and live performance applications. It is far more persistent than water based haze and should reduce your fluid consumption.
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